Wednesday 23 May 2012


Number 236

Day 38

The 1979 Woody Allen film was 236. Now as i was seating down to watch this i realized that i dislike woody allen films. I did realize however that i had to watch this with a open mind and i did try. I had seen Woody Allen films when i was a teenager and hated them , i was thinking maybe that cause i was young i did not get them. 

So has been older made me like woody better ? ah no , i found this film the worst i seen on the list so far. I looked up the Genre of this, "romantic" well yes it was romantic i give it that , "Drama" well there was drama in it but it was not very  dramatic and last "comedy" well there was a few good jokes in this but a lot of jokes fell flat. I don't think the word yuppy was used in 1979 but that what all the characters  in the film where , it reminded me of sex in the city in the way , i found them very condescending and i found this film very condescending. I had build up no relationship with the characters  and i could not have cared less what happened to them in the end of the film. I spend this flim looking at the run time and counting down how long i left. Worst hour and half i spend in a while. Woody just likes to talk and talk and talk and push as much dialog into a sense as possible, Something less is more. 

Beauty and the Beast

Number 237

Day 37

Number 237 was the 1991 cartoon Beauty and the Beast. I had never seen this before and having seen clips before and watching this you would think its way older than 21 years, I not sure does it look so outdated cause of Pixar or what. 

Well it was a enjoyable film that made me smile in parts , one of my guilty pleasures in life is Musicals. I do love films and music so when  they are put together, i do enjoy. So this made me like this film, its got a good story and good songs. However there a lot of flaws with this, the falling in love with them both happened very easy, a bit more development on that would have been better. Also the end was not the best , i think it needed a song to wrap it all up :). 

This was enjoyable but i don't think its deserving of been in the top 250. 


Number 238

Day 32

Number 238 was the 1999 hit Magnolia. This is a Film that i would never have watched if it was not for this challenge. The reason holds no logic but that's my brain for you. The reason is the name , Magnolia to me is a female color, Black , Blue, Green, red  these are all male colors, Magnolia , terracotta, royal blue , Light Peachblossom , these are all females color , this film is called after a female color therefore this film is a women's film or a chick flick / rom com.  

However i was very wrong , this was a superb story that was excellent directed. The story was great as where the characters but what made this brilliant was the direction. clever camera angles , moving with characters to take you to a different scene and a great score made it great. There is loads of main characters in this film , that are all linked , some in a strong way others not so. We watch them all develop over a 24 hour period. 

Some good films, the pace really picks up the last half hour giving you a roller coaster ride that keep you on the edge of your seat. This film gave you that from the very start which really sets the tone, because there so many main characters they can move around very fast to them all , there a lot of short scene  which works really well. after half a hour it slows down a bit and then after another 20 mins it seems to pick up flying along for over half a hour if not more.The ending mite have done with a few more loses ends been tied up but it was still a very good ending. I really loved this film , i think i was total taken aback to how good it was but the most outrageous part of all was the frog scene, I wont spoil it but i was what the hell , but it worked. I was surprised and shocked to see that the run time for this was over 3 hours long. i could not believe this and it did not seem that at all which must be a good sign. 

Not only was this the best film that i have seen on the list it was the best film i had seen in a long time. there a slight possibly that all the rest of the 237 films are going to be better than this , but i don't thing that even possible. I do believe that this should be higher up on the list. One thing i am sure of is i don't think i was able to put into words in this blog how brilliant this film was. 

Come and See

Number 239

Day 31

Well this was the film i think i was not meant to see. This is a Russian 1985 film set in world war 2 about a young boy who wants to join the army to fight the Germans out of his country but  see things that sends him mad. 

I Downloaded this as i normally  do but after Anatomy of a Murder i double checked the running time to make sure the full film was downloaded. I "read" that the run time was 1 hour and 13 mins and the download was 1 hour and 3 mins. Feck ! so i downloaded it from a different link but it was still 1 hour 3 mins, with this not been a popular film there was not many links, so option where not many. I checked You tube as i have watched some there but alas it was not there. So my only hope is that they cut out the credits and that why there 10 mins short. 

So off i go and watch the film, The first 20 mins i was not really getting into it and was thinking if this ends before the end i wont be too upset. however i started to get into it more and was enjoying it. This was very weird with a capital W, but some how it worked. It shows what a real war would be like and not glamourising it . It very shocking and graphic but not in a sexy quentin tarantino way, but in a real way. At one stage he went back to his home town to find his family, he could not find them and speed time at home  looking for them. after a while they span out and we see about 100 bodies piled up, very visual , very well done and very powerful. 

After a while when i was starting to get into it i was thinking this is on a while and the end seems far away. i checked the timers 50 mins gone , this does not seem right so check run time again on IMDB and its 2 hours and 13 mins , double feck! I was really starting to enjoy it . I had to resign to the fact that i will not able to see  the end at this stage. Pity really as i was enjoying it but c'est la vie. 

Monsters INC 

Number 240

Day 28

This was the second film from Pixar  that i watched so far in this challenge. This was made 2001 with voicing from John Goodman and Billy Crystal. It was a interesting film with a very good concept , however i found it terribly predicable , i knew how they where going to sort the energy crisis very early on, why it took John Goodman so long god only knows. I know its only a kids cartoon but that no excuse. 

Judging this with the last  Pixar  film i seen its a poor second, there is some funny moments and a bit of excitement but that about it. Its a enjoyable 91 mins but it does not deserve its place in the top 250.

NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind

Number 241

Day 27

After seeing two brilliant films i looked at the list  to see what was offering next, to my dismay it was a 1984 Japanese cartoon. As i said before i have a dislike to Japanese cartoons scene my childhood having to watch rubbish ones. Even though ,my 3rd film was one and i liked it i was still not looking forward to this. 

Well 30 mins in i was bored and  not enjoying it at all. I did think to my self i have to try my best to enjoy it or it never work. It was dubbed into English and Patrick steward was doing one of the voices that did not really help. I could not stop thinking of  Avery Bullock from america dad when i heard him. the only thing that was keeping me going in the first 30 mins was admiring how sexy the female lead looked. even though its a cartoon she was still dam hot. 

Then after 30 mins everything changed. The lead sexy female role nausicaa was a princess who father was bed ridden. The bad guys came in and killed him. from then on the film picked up the pace and got very interesting . From then on it had a fast paced drama filled gripping story. It really was the edge of your seat stuff. The score was very good and very weird at the same time. 90% of the time it was very good the rest of the time it was more weird than normal.

When i started this challenge i taught i would get to see some classics that i had not got around to seeing and re-seeing good films that i  had seen, but now that i am doing the challenge its making me watch films i never would think of watching. this was one of them and i really enjoyed it. The only downside to this challenge i seen 10 films in 27 days , i really need to pick up the pace. 

Big Fish

Number 242

Day 26

Number 242 is the 2003 film,  Big Fish. I had seen this one before so it was my second viewing. I did learn something new this time though, i had not realized it was a Tim Burton film. Even though its brillently quirky and its got Helena Bonham Carter in it , Its not as outrageous as his other work. 

Its a very warm heart felt flick that brilliant in its madness but is also very moving in the way the story is told.  This is the first film in the list that put a lump in my throat , all though to be fair i findit very easy to get emotional watching anything . The Story is about a father on his death bed that likes to tell stories about his life. His son sick of hearing these  exaggerate stories wants to find his real dad. We and his son latter learns that not all his stories are made up and there is some truth in them. I really enjoyed this both the first time and this time. It does not  conform to the normal film rules and is very inventive and imaginative which is very refreshing to watch. 

This challenge is picking up , two good films in a row , lets have a look at what next ? O FFS its another japanese cartoon! Ah well on wards and upwards. 

Anatomy of a Murder

Number 243

Day 26

Well number 243 was the 1959 Anatomy of a Murder, a brilliant court room drama. I really enjoyed this one and made this challenge worth while. If i had seen this start on TV i don't think i would have watched it  and boy would i have missed out.

Its a story where the excellent James Steward plays the defendant lawyer representing a man that shot a man that rapped his wife. what i like about the story is we never 100% sure was it rape or was it a case of his wife flirting with the man and they get carried away. What i also like is they don't make the defendant or his wife total likable , they leave us undecided whether should they really get off or not.

 I really like court room films, great debating , great dialogue , great tension. They don't really make many of these films anymore and i think this is because there a need to have films fast moving , bright lights , loads of special effects and a dramatic score which is very silly.

Why i love this film is its stripped back , basic sets (only about 3 or 4 ) no fancy camera angles , just good dialogue and good drama and it works.


Number 244

Day 21

Number 244 was the 1922 silent film Nosferatu . This is about the Bram Stokers novel Dracula, one of the first ever made. This was my first ever silent film i had  seen. I think i was more entertained on watching a silent movie and how its made, than the content of the film its self. This film is 90 years old this year and was like been in a time machine watching it . I kept thinking my great grand father could have gone to see this film , even though i don't think there would have been a picture house in doneraile in 1922. My mind kept wondering what life was like back then and apart from getting in a delorean i think this was my best bet

I guess its not a good sign that i was thinking what life was like back then instead of been enthralled into the film its self. It started good enough but second half was draw out and the ending was very flat. However  it was amazingly scary , not very scary but scary enough considering there no talking in it and they did not have fancy SFX. the Score was very eerie and the way Dracula moved around was very well done. I would say watching this back in 1922 , you would be scared shitless. however has it stood the test of time ? not really it is 90 years old after all. 

The Incredibles

Number 245

Day 15

This was my 6th film in my challenge and this is arguable the best 250 films ever made. I was starting to wonder when i was going to get the film that made me go , wow i really enjoyed that. the other 5 i watched,i did enjoy but i did not have that glowing feeling afterwards. Well all that changed and the end of this one, the 2004 pixar cartoon the incredibles. A daring title to call a film  incredible but  it ticked all my boxes. 

A story of two super hero that got married but soon after been a super hero was outlawed and they had to live a normal life, something our male lead could not get the hang off. This had everything , humour , action , hearth warming family loving story, intense moments of will they make it to which made this very enjoyable to watch. 

The only thing i could mark this down on that it was very predictable , we probably  seen it all so many time , also how many times could Mr incredible escape and be re caught  but all in all these are small complaint and we are left with a very well made film. 

Role on the rest of the 245 films if they be as good as this. As it happens my next one is a silent film which is going to be interesting 

 Throne of Blood

Number 246

Day 14

A 1957 black and white Japanese take on Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' was at number 246. 20 mins in i was going what the hell, this is weird. But as time went on i got more into it. The story line is very good but this is down to Will Shakespeare really , his a good man to tell a story. I have never seen Macbeth before so i cant really comment on this version. 

The story is complex  and very interesting. i love how it shows how a 
self fulfilling prophecy can work out. It was a bit weird though , however it was a interesting film but not a brilliant one. I am at number 246 now and i still waiting to see a brilliant one. 


Number 247

Day 12

The 2009 blockbuster Avatar was next at number 247. Again i had seen this before but of course i had to re watch. I had seen this first in the cinema in 3D, in fact the first and only ever film i had seen in 3D. 

So does this deserve to be the in top 250 ? well if it was the top 250 films that looked good and had brilliant SFX then yes it be in the top 10. however James Cameron there more to a film that looking good, A original story line for starters would be good. this film is so busy showing us how cool it can look they seemed to forget about putting the rest of the film together. its two and half hours long , i was thinking they should have taken half a hour off it , to be honest they should have taken a hour off it. You are watching a scene in it and you are thinking is this scene in it to strengthen the story line or is it in to show off how cool the boys  can do 3d and i think its the latter. 

As it watched it in 3d first time around  this was the  first time in 2d, it looked a bit weird to watch.your thinking this is shot at this angle to make the 3D look cool, it was all very distracting . it was also like watching a play station games at times and it look so fake. Films have benefited from blue screen but there no need to film the whole thing in front of them James. 

So to recap the best and arguable only good thing about the film been how it looked is not that good and looks fake the 2nd time you watch it. of course i seen lots of worse films. the story is not that bad in parts but this does not deserve to be in the top 250. 


Number 248

Day 7 and 8 

Well this Film took two days to watch, not because its so long or boring that it took two days. more so because i feel asleep day 7. I was able to watch this on You tube which was great as i did not have to download it, it came in 9 15 ish min parts. I decided to take the laptop to bed and watch it there. All was going well and i had woken up to see that i had fallen asleep on part 4 . I then had the great sleep deprived idea that it be a good idea not to close laptop and place it on floor but instead to replay part 4 . I say i lasted 30 secs before i was gone again and i don't even remember waking up again . Woke up next morning to see laptop on the ground and having that awful feeling did i place the laptop down in my sleep or did i roll over and it fell. Well as you are reading this you can guess i must have sleep placed it. 

Anyway on to the 3rd film of my challenge Castle in the sky a Japanese cartoon made in 1986. I will admit that i was not looking forward to this at all. I am fairly open to watching new things but was dreading watching a japanese  carton. When i was growing up we only had two television channels and after school only one of them had kids programs, so we had to watch what RTE decided was best or more so what was cheaper to buy. I  remember  they had some awful badly dubbed  Japanese  cartoon that i think scared me for life so the taught of watching this was giving me hives. 

However i was  pleasleted surpirzed  with this film, It was duded into English fairly good. instead of thinking of watching a crap film it turn out to be a good film, it stopped short at been a great film but we cant have everything. Its was a interesting different story of a young boy and girl trying to get to a magical land in the sky. and of course there bad guys , two sets even for good measure. However one set turn out good in the end. its was a well taught out story but a lot of flaws in it. The hero boy was mad to protect the lead female role , what was all that about ? should there not have been some character building first ! also the laughing dubbing scenes where a bit cringey. 

So over all it was a good film and was enjoyable but i don't think  desuring  to be in the top 250.


Number 249

Day 6

Well few days have passed and i only on my second film. i need to speed up if i am going to do this in a year. 

Any way number 249 was Shutter Island, a film i had seen before but had to re watch for my challenge. Watching it the second time was a total different experience to the first time , all be it a lesser one. Still enjoyed watching it the second time but due to the twist towards the end you don't get shocked by it. 

Its a very good film with a brilliant score that keep you guessing all along and where your not total sure what going on. Leonardo DiCaprio is in the lead role doing a good job but he cant seem to play more than one style but it does suit him. Ben Kingsley steals the screen and shows off his very good acting style. 

First time i watch this i really enjoyed it, the twist at the end i did not see coming until the very end. Of course there people that say they saw the twist coming at the start of the film but i never believe them ! second time around was interesting as you knew the outcome you can watch all the clues that where put in.   

good job by Martin Scorsese  that deserving of its place in top 250 flims. 

OK so watched the First Film tonight.

I started watching it on You Tube last night and got to part 6 and it had been removed! grr. So downloaded it over night and watched it today. I was lucky the subtitles where downloaded as well :)

Anywho In the mood for love is a Hong kong art house film made in 2000 and set in 1960. I not normal sit down and watch a art house film but at the same time i would not dislike them either but it was a interesting film to watch.

It was very clever use of camera work and music throughout the film that was slow moving but not boring slow at the same time, more moving alone at a steady pace. It was a story about two couple that moved in to a housing apartments  along side each other but cleverly we never saw one one of the wife's and one of the husbands , we heard them during the first phase of film but never saw them on screen. The two we did not see started to have affair early on and the other two main characters found out and started a friendship.

Of course the friendship moved on to having strong feelings for each other but they never acted on it not wanted to be like there  partners. It was very interesting to see the two of them stumble along the film afraid to tell the other how they really felt about each other. The film was going well until the last 10 mins, (spoiler Alert) they never got together at the end and the last 10 mins was badly put together showing the years going past and still thinking about each other but having no contact. Now i not a person that like fair tail Hollywood ending , i would have been happy with them not getting together but could have been done better i taugh.

Over all though it was a interesting and different  film to start off my journey on. one down 249 to go.

1.9.2The Shawshank Redemption (1994)740,541
2.9.2The Godfather (1972)553,077
3.9.0The Godfather: Part II (1974)348,916
4.8.9Pulp Fiction (1994)582,578
5.8.9The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)231,233
6.8.912 Angry Men (1957)181,723
7.8.9Schindler's List (1993)389,424
8.8.8The Dark Knight (2008)675,529
9.8.8The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King(2003)520,964
10.8.8One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)312,868
11.8.8Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back(1980)377,187
12.8.8Fight Club (1999)561,447
13.8.8Seven Samurai (1954)126,398
14.8.8Inception (2010)530,562
15.8.7The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring(2001)542,829
16.8.7Goodfellas (1990)329,623
17.8.7Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)424,484
18.8.7City of God (2002)245,130
19.8.7Casablanca (1942)215,541
20.8.7The Matrix (1999)539,863
21.8.7Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)105,772
22.8.7Rear Window (1954)159,872
23.8.7Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)325,044
24.8.6The Silence of the Lambs (1991)358,509
25.8.6The Usual Suspects (1995)359,061
26.8.6Se7en (1995)424,063
27.8.6The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)467,069
28.8.6Forrest Gump (1994)468,767
29.8.6Psycho (1960)196,455
30.8.6It's a Wonderful Life (1946)137,073
31.8.6LĆ©on: The Professional (1994)308,101
32.8.6Sunset Blvd. (1950)73,502
33.8.6Memento (2000)393,284
34.8.6Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)196,622
35.8.5Apocalypse Now (1979)230,604
36.8.5American History X (1998)338,691
37.8.5North by Northwest (1959)119,985
38.8.5Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)341,501
39.8.5Citizen Kane (1941)173,314
40.8.5Saving Private Ryan (1998)384,834
41.8.5American Beauty (1999)404,069
42.8.5Alien (1979)248,133
43.8.5City Lights (1931)43,150
44.8.5Toy Story 3 (2010)202,312
45.8.5Spirited Away (2001)159,799
46.8.5Taxi Driver (1976)229,531
47.8.5The Shining (1980)260,373
48.8.5Vertigo (1958)121,045
49.8.5M (1931)53,188
50.8.5Paths of Glory (1957)60,261
51.8.5The Pianist (2002)201,485
52.8.5AmĆ©lie (2001)258,332
53.8.4The Departed (2006)382,400
54.8.4Modern Times (1936)53,764
55.8.4Double Indemnity (1944)50,472
56.8.4WALL·E (2008)289,148
57.8.4The Lives of Others (2006)116,813
58.8.4Aliens (1986)231,890
59.8.4A Clockwork Orange (1971)262,573
60.8.4Life Is Beautiful (1997)161,630
61.8.4Lawrence of Arabia (1962)100,838
62.8.4To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)109,027
63.8.4Back to the Future (1985)298,682
64.8.4Das Boot (1981)91,183
65.8.4Requiem for a Dream (2000)268,930
66.8.4Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)314,899
67.8.4Reservoir Dogs (1992)296,885
68.8.4The Third Man (1949)64,437
69.8.4A Separation (2011)47,961
70.8.4The Prestige (2006)324,052
71.8.4The Green Mile (1999)301,080
72.8.4Cinema Paradiso (1988)65,614
73.8.4Chinatown (1974)107,696
74.8.4The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)43,202
75.8.4L.A. Confidential (1997)220,258
76.8.4The Great Dictator (1940)54,020
77.8.4Gladiator (2000)413,609
78.8.3Once Upon a Time in America (1984)104,250
79.8.3Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)202,362
80.8.3RashĆ“mon (1950)52,997
81.8.3Full Metal Jacket (1987)218,513
82.8.3Bicycle Thieves (1948)40,580
83.8.3Singin' in the Rain (1952)73,913
84.8.3Some Like It Hot (1959)90,284
85.8.3Amadeus (1984)132,292
86.8.3All About Eve (1950)45,124
87.8.3Raging Bull (1980)120,999
88.8.3Metropolis (1927)55,656
89.8.3Braveheart (1995)341,024
90.8.3Oldboy (2003)148,087
91.8.32001: A Space Odyssey (1968)209,509
92.8.3The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)78,256
93.8.3The Apartment (1960)51,613
94.8.3Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)293,605
95.8.3Pan's Labyrinth (2006)223,878
96.8.3Unforgiven (1992)139,778
97.8.3The Sting (1973)88,290
98.8.3Princess Mononoke (1997)94,708
99.8.3Downfall (2004)121,147
100.8.3Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)238,320
101.8.3The Lion King (1994)234,486
102.8.3Inglourious Basterds (2009)315,508
103.8.3Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)42,882
104.8.3Die Hard (1988)270,356
105.8.3Grave of the Fireflies (1988)51,809
106.8.3The Seventh Seal (1957)54,361
107.8.3On the Waterfront (1954)53,688
108.8.3Up (2009)223,514
109.8.3The Elephant Man (1980)82,473
110.8.3The Maltese Falcon (1941)65,120
111.8.3The Great Escape (1963)83,454
112.8.3Yojimbo (1961)38,580
113.8.3Gran Torino (2008)231,151
114.8.2Rebecca (1940)46,340
115.8.2Batman Begins (2005)388,059
116.8.2Witness for the Prosecution (1957)25,504
117.8.2For a Few Dollars More (1965)66,916
118.8.2Snatch. (2000)265,490
119.8.2The General (1926)26,751
120.8.2Heat (1995)208,402
121.8.2Blade Runner (1982)245,115
122.8.2Fargo (1996)216,706
123.8.2Wild Strawberries (1957)30,376
124.8.2Ran (1985)43,913
125.8.2Sin City (2005)343,430
126.8.2Toy Story (1995)242,755
127.8.2Touch of Evil (1958)41,971
128.8.2The Artist (2011)60,588
129.8.2The Big Lebowski (1998)249,665
130.8.2The Intouchables (2011)23,365
131.8.2Jaws (1975)190,401
132.8.2Hotel Rwanda (2004)131,100
133.8.2No Country for Old Men (2007)285,644
134.8.2The Deer Hunter (1978)121,391
135.8.2Cool Hand Luke (1967)62,466
136.8.2Ikiru (1952)21,712
137.8.2Black Swan (2010)232,219
138.8.2The King's Speech (2010)168,583
139.8.2The Wizard of Oz (1939)140,372
140.8.2It Happened One Night (1934)33,276
141.8.2The Sixth Sense (1999)340,222
142.8.2Scarface (1983)231,491
143.8.2Strangers on a Train (1951)47,154
144.8.2The Kid (1921)23,071
145.8.2The Wages of Fear (1953)19,409
146.8.2Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)327,912
147.8.2Annie Hall (1977)91,394
148.8.1High Noon (1952)44,359
149.8.1The Gold Rush (1925)29,886
150.8.1Platoon (1986)150,853
151.8.1Warrior (2011)83,335
152.8.1Trainspotting (1996)215,834
153.8.1Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)77,530
154.8.1Into the Wild (2007)171,864
155.8.1Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)190,887
156.8.1Sunrise (1927)15,915
157.8.1Donnie Darko (2001)291,629
158.8.1The Grapes of Wrath (1940)31,563
159.8.1The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)47,162
160.8.1Notorious (1946)40,519
161.8.1The Thing (1982)123,412
162.8.1Gone with the Wind (1939)110,007
163.8.1Million Dollar Baby (2004)212,561
164.8.1Casino (1995)155,451
165.8.1There Will Be Blood (2007)182,290
166.8.1Life of Brian (1979)132,643
167.8.1Les diaboliques (1955)21,001
168.8.1Slumdog Millionaire (2008)284,392
169.8.1My Neighbor Totoro (1988)53,591
170.8.1Amores perros (2000)89,023
171.8.1Ben-Hur (1959)79,613
172.8.1Finding Nemo (2003)263,746
173.8.1Groundhog Day (1993)200,635
174.8.1How to Train Your Dragon (2010)136,668
175.8.1The Terminator (1984)263,464
176.8.1The Big Sleep (1946)37,077
177.8.1V for Vendetta (2005)345,047
178.8.1The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)22,315
179.8.1Good Will Hunting (1997)232,346
180.8.1The Graduate (1967)109,031
181.8.1Stand by Me (1986)128,014
182.8.1Dog Day Afternoon (1975)88,129
183.8.1Twelve Monkeys (1995)232,353
184.8.1Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)20,335
185.8.1The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)224,160
186.8.1Network (1976)49,803
187.8.1The Manchurian Candidate (1962)43,352
188.8.1The 400 Blows (1959)33,612
189.8.1The Night of the Hunter (1955)34,028
190.8.1Mary and Max (2009)39,117
191.8.1District 9 (2009)254,504
192.8.1Gandhi (1982)74,891
193.8.1Persona (1966)25,182
194.8.0The Battle of Algiers (1966)19,519
195.8.0Harakiri (1962)8,441
196.8.0Dial M for Murder (1954)44,470
197.8.0The Princess Bride (1987)157,617
198.8.0 (1963)41,132
199.8.0The Killing (1956)33,825
200.8.0La strada (1954)24,264
201.8.0The Hustler (1961)33,590
202.8.0Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)28,251
203.8.0The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)15,300
204.8.0Ratatouille (2007)209,448
205.8.0The Wrestler (2008)149,780
206.8.0Sherlock Jr. (1924)12,130
207.8.0Howl's Moving Castle (2004)76,726
208.8.0Fanny and Alexander (1982)20,819
209.8.0The Exorcist (1973)152,417
210.8.0The Wild Bunch (1969)40,178
211.8.0Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)170,951
212.8.0The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)48,620
213.8.0Stalag 17 (1953)26,213
214.8.0A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)45,527
215.8.0Rocky (1976)149,133
216.8.0Barry Lyndon (1975)52,845
217.8.0Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949)17,349
218.8.0Star Trek (2009)222,143
219.8.0Nights of Cabiria (1957)15,976
220.8.0All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)29,099
221.8.0The Truman Show (1998)252,157
222.8.0A Beautiful Mind (2001)214,819
223.8.0Infernal Affairs (2002)48,057
224.8.0Roman Holiday (1953)44,792
225.8.0Ip Man (2008)43,904
226.8.0Rosemary's Baby (1968)74,217
227.8.0Rope (1948)46,015
228.8.0Tokyo Story (1953)12,226
229.8.0Festen (1998)36,047
230.8.0The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)30,067
231.8.0Mystic River (2003)178,338
232.8.0Let the Right One In (2008)98,717
233.8.0Stalker (1979)30,865
234.8.0Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)356,182
235.8.0High and Low (1963)10,007
236.8.0Manhattan (1979)54,806
237.8.0Beauty and the Beast (1991)119,984
238.8.0Magnolia (1999)154,679
239.8.0Come and See (1985)12,948
240.8.0Monsters, Inc. (2001)202,564
241.8.0NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind (1984)33,962
242.8.0Big Fish (2003)201,729
243.8.0Anatomy of a Murder (1959)22,764
244.8.0Nosferatu (1922)38,673
245.8.0The Incredibles (2004)235,538
246.8.0Throne of Blood (1957)15,518
247.8.0Avatar (2009)429,265
248.8.0Castle in the Sky (1986)34,838
249.8.0Shutter Island (2010)258,512
250.8.0In the Mood for Love (2000)34,827

Thanks to IMDB for the list !