Wednesday 23 May 2012

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Number 241

Day 27

After seeing two brilliant films i looked at the list  to see what was offering next, to my dismay it was a 1984 Japanese cartoon. As i said before i have a dislike to Japanese cartoons scene my childhood having to watch rubbish ones. Even though ,my 3rd film was one and i liked it i was still not looking forward to this. 

Well 30 mins in i was bored and  not enjoying it at all. I did think to my self i have to try my best to enjoy it or it never work. It was dubbed into English and Patrick steward was doing one of the voices that did not really help. I could not stop thinking of  Avery Bullock from america dad when i heard him. the only thing that was keeping me going in the first 30 mins was admiring how sexy the female lead looked. even though its a cartoon she was still dam hot. 

Then after 30 mins everything changed. The lead sexy female role nausicaa was a princess who father was bed ridden. The bad guys came in and killed him. from then on the film picked up the pace and got very interesting . From then on it had a fast paced drama filled gripping story. It really was the edge of your seat stuff. The score was very good and very weird at the same time. 90% of the time it was very good the rest of the time it was more weird than normal.

When i started this challenge i taught i would get to see some classics that i had not got around to seeing and re-seeing good films that i  had seen, but now that i am doing the challenge its making me watch films i never would think of watching. this was one of them and i really enjoyed it. The only downside to this challenge i seen 10 films in 27 days , i really need to pick up the pace. 

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