Wednesday 23 May 2012


Number 238

Day 32

Number 238 was the 1999 hit Magnolia. This is a Film that i would never have watched if it was not for this challenge. The reason holds no logic but that's my brain for you. The reason is the name , Magnolia to me is a female color, Black , Blue, Green, red  these are all male colors, Magnolia , terracotta, royal blue , Light Peachblossom , these are all females color , this film is called after a female color therefore this film is a women's film or a chick flick / rom com.  

However i was very wrong , this was a superb story that was excellent directed. The story was great as where the characters but what made this brilliant was the direction. clever camera angles , moving with characters to take you to a different scene and a great score made it great. There is loads of main characters in this film , that are all linked , some in a strong way others not so. We watch them all develop over a 24 hour period. 

Some good films, the pace really picks up the last half hour giving you a roller coaster ride that keep you on the edge of your seat. This film gave you that from the very start which really sets the tone, because there so many main characters they can move around very fast to them all , there a lot of short scene  which works really well. after half a hour it slows down a bit and then after another 20 mins it seems to pick up flying along for over half a hour if not more.The ending mite have done with a few more loses ends been tied up but it was still a very good ending. I really loved this film , i think i was total taken aback to how good it was but the most outrageous part of all was the frog scene, I wont spoil it but i was what the hell , but it worked. I was surprised and shocked to see that the run time for this was over 3 hours long. i could not believe this and it did not seem that at all which must be a good sign. 

Not only was this the best film that i have seen on the list it was the best film i had seen in a long time. there a slight possibly that all the rest of the 237 films are going to be better than this , but i don't thing that even possible. I do believe that this should be higher up on the list. One thing i am sure of is i don't think i was able to put into words in this blog how brilliant this film was. 

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