Wednesday 23 May 2012


Number 247

Day 12

The 2009 blockbuster Avatar was next at number 247. Again i had seen this before but of course i had to re watch. I had seen this first in the cinema in 3D, in fact the first and only ever film i had seen in 3D. 

So does this deserve to be the in top 250 ? well if it was the top 250 films that looked good and had brilliant SFX then yes it be in the top 10. however James Cameron there more to a film that looking good, A original story line for starters would be good. this film is so busy showing us how cool it can look they seemed to forget about putting the rest of the film together. its two and half hours long , i was thinking they should have taken half a hour off it , to be honest they should have taken a hour off it. You are watching a scene in it and you are thinking is this scene in it to strengthen the story line or is it in to show off how cool the boys  can do 3d and i think its the latter. 

As it watched it in 3d first time around  this was the  first time in 2d, it looked a bit weird to watch.your thinking this is shot at this angle to make the 3D look cool, it was all very distracting . it was also like watching a play station games at times and it look so fake. Films have benefited from blue screen but there no need to film the whole thing in front of them James. 

So to recap the best and arguable only good thing about the film been how it looked is not that good and looks fake the 2nd time you watch it. of course i seen lots of worse films. the story is not that bad in parts but this does not deserve to be in the top 250. 

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