Wednesday 23 May 2012


Number 248

Day 7 and 8 

Well this Film took two days to watch, not because its so long or boring that it took two days. more so because i feel asleep day 7. I was able to watch this on You tube which was great as i did not have to download it, it came in 9 15 ish min parts. I decided to take the laptop to bed and watch it there. All was going well and i had woken up to see that i had fallen asleep on part 4 . I then had the great sleep deprived idea that it be a good idea not to close laptop and place it on floor but instead to replay part 4 . I say i lasted 30 secs before i was gone again and i don't even remember waking up again . Woke up next morning to see laptop on the ground and having that awful feeling did i place the laptop down in my sleep or did i roll over and it fell. Well as you are reading this you can guess i must have sleep placed it. 

Anyway on to the 3rd film of my challenge Castle in the sky a Japanese cartoon made in 1986. I will admit that i was not looking forward to this at all. I am fairly open to watching new things but was dreading watching a japanese  carton. When i was growing up we only had two television channels and after school only one of them had kids programs, so we had to watch what RTE decided was best or more so what was cheaper to buy. I  remember  they had some awful badly dubbed  Japanese  cartoon that i think scared me for life so the taught of watching this was giving me hives. 

However i was  pleasleted surpirzed  with this film, It was duded into English fairly good. instead of thinking of watching a crap film it turn out to be a good film, it stopped short at been a great film but we cant have everything. Its was a interesting different story of a young boy and girl trying to get to a magical land in the sky. and of course there bad guys , two sets even for good measure. However one set turn out good in the end. its was a well taught out story but a lot of flaws in it. The hero boy was mad to protect the lead female role , what was all that about ? should there not have been some character building first ! also the laughing dubbing scenes where a bit cringey. 

So over all it was a good film and was enjoyable but i don't think  desuring  to be in the top 250.

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