Wednesday 23 May 2012

The Incredibles

Number 245

Day 15

This was my 6th film in my challenge and this is arguable the best 250 films ever made. I was starting to wonder when i was going to get the film that made me go , wow i really enjoyed that. the other 5 i watched,i did enjoy but i did not have that glowing feeling afterwards. Well all that changed and the end of this one, the 2004 pixar cartoon the incredibles. A daring title to call a film  incredible but  it ticked all my boxes. 

A story of two super hero that got married but soon after been a super hero was outlawed and they had to live a normal life, something our male lead could not get the hang off. This had everything , humour , action , hearth warming family loving story, intense moments of will they make it to which made this very enjoyable to watch. 

The only thing i could mark this down on that it was very predictable , we probably  seen it all so many time , also how many times could Mr incredible escape and be re caught  but all in all these are small complaint and we are left with a very well made film. 

Role on the rest of the 245 films if they be as good as this. As it happens my next one is a silent film which is going to be interesting 

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