Wednesday 23 May 2012

Come and See

Number 239

Day 31

Well this was the film i think i was not meant to see. This is a Russian 1985 film set in world war 2 about a young boy who wants to join the army to fight the Germans out of his country but  see things that sends him mad. 

I Downloaded this as i normally  do but after Anatomy of a Murder i double checked the running time to make sure the full film was downloaded. I "read" that the run time was 1 hour and 13 mins and the download was 1 hour and 3 mins. Feck ! so i downloaded it from a different link but it was still 1 hour 3 mins, with this not been a popular film there was not many links, so option where not many. I checked You tube as i have watched some there but alas it was not there. So my only hope is that they cut out the credits and that why there 10 mins short. 

So off i go and watch the film, The first 20 mins i was not really getting into it and was thinking if this ends before the end i wont be too upset. however i started to get into it more and was enjoying it. This was very weird with a capital W, but some how it worked. It shows what a real war would be like and not glamourising it . It very shocking and graphic but not in a sexy quentin tarantino way, but in a real way. At one stage he went back to his home town to find his family, he could not find them and speed time at home  looking for them. after a while they span out and we see about 100 bodies piled up, very visual , very well done and very powerful. 

After a while when i was starting to get into it i was thinking this is on a while and the end seems far away. i checked the timers 50 mins gone , this does not seem right so check run time again on IMDB and its 2 hours and 13 mins , double feck! I was really starting to enjoy it . I had to resign to the fact that i will not able to see  the end at this stage. Pity really as i was enjoying it but c'est la vie. 

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