Wednesday 23 May 2012

Big Fish

Number 242

Day 26

Number 242 is the 2003 film,  Big Fish. I had seen this one before so it was my second viewing. I did learn something new this time though, i had not realized it was a Tim Burton film. Even though its brillently quirky and its got Helena Bonham Carter in it , Its not as outrageous as his other work. 

Its a very warm heart felt flick that brilliant in its madness but is also very moving in the way the story is told.  This is the first film in the list that put a lump in my throat , all though to be fair i findit very easy to get emotional watching anything . The Story is about a father on his death bed that likes to tell stories about his life. His son sick of hearing these  exaggerate stories wants to find his real dad. We and his son latter learns that not all his stories are made up and there is some truth in them. I really enjoyed this both the first time and this time. It does not  conform to the normal film rules and is very inventive and imaginative which is very refreshing to watch. 

This challenge is picking up , two good films in a row , lets have a look at what next ? O FFS its another japanese cartoon! Ah well on wards and upwards. 

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