Wednesday 23 May 2012


Number 236

Day 38

The 1979 Woody Allen film was 236. Now as i was seating down to watch this i realized that i dislike woody allen films. I did realize however that i had to watch this with a open mind and i did try. I had seen Woody Allen films when i was a teenager and hated them , i was thinking maybe that cause i was young i did not get them. 

So has been older made me like woody better ? ah no , i found this film the worst i seen on the list so far. I looked up the Genre of this, "romantic" well yes it was romantic i give it that , "Drama" well there was drama in it but it was not very  dramatic and last "comedy" well there was a few good jokes in this but a lot of jokes fell flat. I don't think the word yuppy was used in 1979 but that what all the characters  in the film where , it reminded me of sex in the city in the way , i found them very condescending and i found this film very condescending. I had build up no relationship with the characters  and i could not have cared less what happened to them in the end of the film. I spend this flim looking at the run time and counting down how long i left. Worst hour and half i spend in a while. Woody just likes to talk and talk and talk and push as much dialog into a sense as possible, Something less is more. 

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