Wednesday 23 May 2012

OK so watched the First Film tonight.

I started watching it on You Tube last night and got to part 6 and it had been removed! grr. So downloaded it over night and watched it today. I was lucky the subtitles where downloaded as well :)

Anywho In the mood for love is a Hong kong art house film made in 2000 and set in 1960. I not normal sit down and watch a art house film but at the same time i would not dislike them either but it was a interesting film to watch.

It was very clever use of camera work and music throughout the film that was slow moving but not boring slow at the same time, more moving alone at a steady pace. It was a story about two couple that moved in to a housing apartments  along side each other but cleverly we never saw one one of the wife's and one of the husbands , we heard them during the first phase of film but never saw them on screen. The two we did not see started to have affair early on and the other two main characters found out and started a friendship.

Of course the friendship moved on to having strong feelings for each other but they never acted on it not wanted to be like there  partners. It was very interesting to see the two of them stumble along the film afraid to tell the other how they really felt about each other. The film was going well until the last 10 mins, (spoiler Alert) they never got together at the end and the last 10 mins was badly put together showing the years going past and still thinking about each other but having no contact. Now i not a person that like fair tail Hollywood ending , i would have been happy with them not getting together but could have been done better i taugh.

Over all though it was a interesting and different  film to start off my journey on. one down 249 to go.

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